Back In Stock Automation •

You can set up a back in stock automation in our Smart Push Marketing app.

The "Add to Cart" button is replaced with "Sold Out" for published out of stock products. After the "Back In Stock" automation is configured, the App automatically adds a "Get Notified When Back In Stock" button under the "Sold Out" as shown in the image below.


How it works:

  1. Your subscribers and visitors sign up for "Back In Stock" automation on this particular product after clicking the "Get Notified When Back In Stock" button.
  2. The App auto-detects the inventory level of these products. When their inventory level becomes more than 0, the App automatically sends notifications or messages to the subscribers who have clicked this button. 

How to setup:

Please watch our video tutorial on how to set up the Back in Stock Automation.


  1. In the App --> Click the "Back In Stock Alert" Automation
  2. Fill out all the input fields
  3. "Offer a Discount Code" (optional). To include a discount code, you need to create the discount code in your Shopify admin >> Discount  and then copy and paste the discount code into the "Discount Code" filed. Or you can sign up on the Professional plan and set the automation to have a unique discount code. Under this setup, the automation automatically creates a unique discount code for every new subscriber. These codes can only be used once. We recommend to use this, as it can prevent the potential discount code abuse.

    Please note, the discount code is automatically applied after subscribers click the notifications. They will get the discount when they check out.

  4. Click on the "Save" button to create the automations.

Please note, the images and links in "Back in Stock Alert" automation are automatically generated. The images are the back-in-stock product image and the subscribers will be directed to the product page after clicking the notifications.

You can also see the performance on the same page. If you want to deactivate the automation, you just need to click the "Pause" button.

Related Questions:

1. Would the subscribers who sign up to the automation receive notifications or messages every time when the product is back in stock?

No. The opt-in subscribers only receive one notification or message, the first time the product is restocked after they subscribed. If they want to receive notifications or messages about the back in stock again, they need to sign up again by clicking the button when the product is sold out.

2. If subscribers only sign up to the "Back In Stock Alert" automation, would they be able to receive notifications or messages?

Yes. Once they sign up to the "Back In Stock" automation, they become your online store subscriber as well. They can be reached by other automations or promotional campaigns. For example, if they have an abandoned cart, the "Abandoned Cart Recovery" automation can auto-flag that, and sends them notifications or messages. If they place an order, the "Shipping Notification" automation sends notifications or messages about their orders' shipping updates. If you create one-time promotional campaigns, they also receive your promotional notifications or messages.

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