What are Web Push Notifications? (SPM)

You can send push notifications with our Smart Push Marketing app. Web Push Notifications are messages from websites or online stores. They can be received on desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobile phones even when the website or online store is not open on these devices. You may not have heard the term "Web Push Notification" before, but you definitely have seen them before on your computer or mobile devices. The images below show what they look like:


Web Push Notification has become an important marketing channel for e-commerce to engage/re-engage online store visitors without knowing their emails or phone numbers. Due to privacy concerns, website visitors are increasingly reluctant to give out emails and phone numbers. Push Notification does not collect as much information as other channels, and the subscriber information can not be shared or resold. Push notification is quickly gaining popularity in e-commerce, and is a marketing channel that online stores cannot afford to miss.

Web Push Notification is different from emails or SMS - Learn how to get subscribers

After installing our App, a prompt will display when visitors visit your online store. They become your subscribers after clicking the "Allow" button. Just one click - that is all. You can then send web push notifications to them.


With the Smart Push Marketing App, you can engage with your visitors in various ways to boost sales. For example,

  • Send a welcome discount notification after gaining new subscribers
  • Back-in-stock and price-drop notifications about the products that your subscribers are interested in
  • Order update messages, to inform your customers about their order status
  • Send notifications about your sales and promotions to the customer group that you want to reach out to

And more importantly, Abandoned Cart Recovery notifications. Smart Push Notification automatically captures both of your abandoned checkouts and abandoned carts, and then sends a sequence of web push notifications help you recapture these lost sales. Want to know the difference between abandoned carts and abandoned checkouts? Checkout this article.

Smart Push Marketing supports Chrome, Firefox, Opera, EDGE on all computers and Android devices. You can reach out to your visitors and customers even when they are not on your website.


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